Hi everyone my name is Akira and I am the owner of Akira's Beauty Bar. I am a young entrepreneur I started doing research on the business industry  when i was 15 years old because I took an accounting class my freshmen year of high school. I knew I wanted to be in the business field but I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do. I was always the type of girl who loved to get her hair done , dress up and be into myself but I also loved sports. I ran track,cheered and danced so I am very athletic as well. So to narrow things down as I was doing research I realized I wanted to be in the beauty industry.  I love women empowerment and I wanted to be apart of it and be apart of change. Starting my brand and company wasn't easy at all I went through a lot of up's and down's because I didnt have of all the knowledge I needed so i kept reading and researching until I had all of the knowledge I needed. Now I am a very mature and wise 17 year old and I am very determined to build and grow my brand and I hope you can build and grow with me and my company through the rest of this journey.